12: Gift-Giving: Tips & Taboos

’Tis the season for giving gifts around the world, and for our final episode of 2018! This episode, Dean and Tom present you with tips for giving culturally-appropriate gifts in the U.S., Europe, and East Asia, along with plenty of taboos to avoid as well. For instance, you’ll learn how to give money to a friend on their birthday in New Orleans, whether to give someone an even or odd number of flowers in Europe, and why giving a colleague four clocks in a white box is not exactly the best idea in China (12:00, 33:30, 38:40). While we’re wrapping things up (nicely, we hope) for 2018, we’ll be back soon with even more episodes in 2019. Bonne année à tous nos amis!

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Music: “Little Idea” – Bensound.com